Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dreaming My Dreams With You

I've talked to Kristen about this on too many occasions. Why is it that when i dream something about someone that doesn't put them in the best light, I'm actually pissed off enough when I awake to the extent I'd call off a wedding that's only 130 days away? What scares me the most, I think, is just how vivid our dreams can be, to the point where I'm asking myself, "Did that actually happen?".

In many aspects, I hate that I dream. It's like a whole other side of myself that either doesn't exist but in my sleep or I just pretend it doesn't. I don't have control over my jealousy, insecurity, desire, hatred or fears. There are issues I wouldn't even realize I had if it weren't for my dreams.

I've cheated a few more than a few times. I've broken some one's neck. Britain's died. I've had twins, triplets, and even a spoon for a baby. I've been fired so many times, I'm still surprised it isn't reality. I've seen my Grandma Haskell in my dream, had an entire conversation with her actually, and she had died the day before which no one had explained to me because I was too young. I've actually smelled, tasted or felt in my dreams. And whether in black and white or in color, my house never looks like my actual house when I'm dreaming.

I'm pretty sure I've never had a reoccurring dream, except for when I was 9 and told my sister, Michelle I dreamt of horses every morning for about a month. I DO have reoccurring themes though. The most prominent theme I dream about is my old houses I grew up in. Sometimes I venture back and go through the house while the current occupants are gone (Goldilock's). Sometimes I'm back there again, hair in pigtails playing with my generic barbies and old friends. Usually, I'm there just floating through all the rooms I miss, all the memories I've lost. Most of the houses I grew up in have been torn down to make room for new subdivisions so I'm assuming it's just a way to stay attached to them the only way I can.

I have a book that claims it can interpret my dreams but I still haven't seen the money I was supposed to get after dreaming about happy babies and hair barrettes.

It seems to go in spurts. I'll go weeks, months even, without one dream. (I realize we ALWAYS dream at night, we just don't always remember we do.) And then I'll dream nonstop for a week or two at a time. When I dream, it seems to be related to when I'm getting a good night's sleep. I'm glad to be sleeping well again, but some of these dreams I'd trade in for bags under my eyes.

What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? What's a recent one you can't get out of your head? And do dream diaries actually work?


ron said...

i used to have a recurring dream that i was a general for the union army at gettysburg. i think i just wanted to ride a horse.

i also have three really weird dreams that were so vivid that i wrote them down when i woke up. they're long, so i'll blog about them later.

i usually don't remember any dreams i have, or i just don't dream at all.

Anonymous said...

My child has died more times than I can count in my dreams. In the most vivid one I had, he was wearing a navy blue suit and a red tie and everyone in my family was lying to me about how he died, but I don't know why.

You know, outside of you dreaming of horses constantly, you didn't really have any interest in them. My Little Pony was around, but other than that, there was no collecting of horse figurines or horse books or anything of that sort, so I never understood it. You always had a smile on your face when you woke up, though, much like your clone.

Ron said...

Let me guess; I'm the one who's neck you broke right?

Ok, dreams; where do I begin?


The dream begins with me and my family in a house I don't recognize. Suddenly, 3-5 men, with slightly dark skin and mustaches with guns rush in and chase my family into rooms and start shooting, inevitably kill my mother, father, brothers and sisters. During this time I'm shot too, and I end up in the bathtub kneeling down with blood and gore on the front of the bathtub, and some on my body. The last thing I see is a third person view of one of the men with a gun to my head, and then everything slowly fades out with me looking down into the bathtub, presumably waiting to die.


Shortly after Peanuts (Tam and I's dog from our childhood) died, I had a dream where I was talking to her in the woods near were we buried her. Except that she wasn't a dog, she was a woman with black hair. Basically she told me that she had a good life with us and that I shouldn't be sad.

Childhood Nightmares

When I was little, I also used to have dreams of falling down the stairs at our house on Heidler Road, and then falling through the large cold air vent into an endless black void. I'd constantly fall down the stairs and hit that goddamn vent.

Rachel said...

I used to always dream there was this guy in my parents' garage, and he was really creepy. He had a brown, fishing cap on, and he looked almost dead. I'd walk towards him, and he'd either take a knife on me and stab me, which I'd wake up to or I'd wake up just before he did anything. I had that dream several times when I was a kid.
Kind of horrific for a child, really...

Tam said...

ron r, I think this might have happened after a horrible grade in history. It was your way of getting over failure.

Michelle, the reason they couldn't tell you why he died is because they thought you were already too upset you had to wear that horrendous outfit.

Ron (JR) I think that vent dream brought tears to my eyes from laughter. Why i find humor in your pain is beyond me. Maybe because when you tell it, I picture that serious face and how scared you are and it takes me back to Mom and an extension cord where I was so nervous all I could do was laugh. Oh, and your first dream, you watched too many GI Joe episodes. "Pork chop sandwiches!"

Rachel, Someone stole your dream and made a few really bad teen screams with "I know what you did" in the title and you should be compensated for that.

Kristen said...

I dream almost every night and they are so entertaining. Ray dreams funny things and wakes himself up laughing. That must be nice.

Rachel said...

You're right, Tam! I should have put a damn patent on that. I could be rich by now. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Recurring childhood dream: The car from the show Knight Rider always chased me down and tried to kill me. In the end of the dream I would just see the red light going back and forth making that noise.

Most recent nightmare: A large evil tropical bird had my hand in it's mouth and was trying to crush all my bones. I woke up with my arm twisted underneath me and my hand was throbbing.

I also have constant stress dreams about whatever/whoever is an important part of my life at the moment.

MrsTito said...

I used to always dream that I went to school in a wheelchair AND naked.

The scariest was probably the one that I used to have when my little brother was first born. I could picture him on his prom night and I was peeking on him and his date snuggling by the fireplace and then he beat her with the fire poker. Yikes, huh?

Tam said...

Anne, Im sorry to laugh at your knight rider nightmare but it kills me every time I read "I would just see the red light going back and forth making that noise".

Oh Mrstito. That is a Freudian slip if I've ever heard one.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.