Wednesday, April 04, 2007

And Moses Said...

So, I'm watching The Black Donnellys last night and a commercial comes on for the new horror/suspense/psychological thriller, The Reaping. It's looking alright, all the seven signs are showing up. THEN, she gets all hungry for breakfast and cracks open a YOLKLESS EGG, like the one I cracked open a few months ago.

We can conclude a few things:

*I will see this movie.
*I will not see Disturbia over this movie, even though Shai LaBeouf was conned into starring in it and the website is pretty fucking cool.
*Hilary Swank actually eats eggs?! (although only yolkless, which explains a lot)
*I am obviously a prophet.


Rachel said...

*Tam is a genius and a very good-looking one, at that.

Oh, how I aspire to be like that... :)

ron said...

i think rachel has a crush on you tam.

Ron said...

Have no face.

Rachel said...

Oh, please, ron. I just envy her.
Know the difference.
Learn it.
Be it.

Alright, maybe don't go that far.
Talk about crushes: look at yourself. Tryin' to steal Matt's woman away... ;)

Anonymous said...

1. you are so a prophet. what can you tell me about how Lost ends this season?

2. of course hilary eats eggs, she has to get buff for her boxing/transgender movies somehow, right?

3. i love the disturbia website, and i'm still going to see the movie

Kristen said...

Dear Tam,

My boyfriend wants togo all the way, but I want to save myself for marriage. He says he'll break up with me if I don't "give it up". As a prophet, what is your advice?

Kristen said...

Dear Tam,

As a prophet, are you able to stop The Black Donnelly's from getting cancelled? Thanks.


Tam said...

I'm not sure the crushing has anything to do with me. Don't feel bad; it's healthy and normal like those first few hairs under your arms.

Ron (Jr) Still one of the best quotes ever.

Anne, not even the producers know what's going to happen in LOST.

Kris, WHAT? Why I am surprised though? I like, ok LOVE, a new show and there is talk of cancellation. That would really be horrible though.

Oh and if you ever had sex, you'd know the answer. Do it. Do it now! Just not with him. He has the AIDS from your English teacher. Marriage happens when you finally give in to the pressure from the in laws.

ron said...

i'm still waiting to get those first few hairs under my arms

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.