Monday, March 26, 2007

Top Bunk

So Matt has not only a new position but a new schedule at work. Instead of producing, he's now shooting during the week and master controlling all weekend. He works almost opposite shifts for each title. During the week he's in at 6 am and out by 2 pm. But every weekend, he's going in a 4 pm and leaving anytime between midnight and 1:30 am. It makes for a strange sleep pattern.

So not only is Matt not sleeping, but neither am I. This current lack of sleep is nothing compared to when Brit was born, but I'm still a walking zombie without the strength to eat any brains. I used to blame it on how light a sleeper I am or how late in the day I'd have caffeine but now I'm wondering if my bed has something (everything) to do with it. When we stay in other cities in a hotel room, I always sleep really well. I wake up bright and early, like the old Tam, and I never feel like I'll pass out in the afternoon. Every move Matt makes, every time he yanks the covers, shakes the bed, or turns to the left, I'm aware. I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep at home.

We need either twin beds or one of those "bounce a bowling ball on one side while a glass of red wine is barely disturbed on the other side" beds. But have you seen the price of those?! Twin bunks may be in our future. I'm so getting the top!


Ron said...

Do it 50's style baby - Twin beds for each other. Then your child will never know you have dirty, dirty sex because parents never do that. That's what storks are for, goddammit.

Kristen said...

I'm surprised because I'm a really light sleeper but I just got used to all the snoring and knees in my back. Basically I'm calling you a pussy. Toughen up Ames!

Rachel said...

I still can't get used to the snoring. I resort to the couch if it gets too bad, but then he feels bad because I don't wake him up to go out in the living room instead. Ah, well.

Tam said...

I'm the one that snores and knees Matt in the back.

How light a sleeper can you be if you're used to that?

Jillian said...

babe, you need to get the kid to a babysitter and get some valium or ativan. 10 or 12 hours of comatose should help!

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.