Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Leave it to the Erie Blogger group to pick the only night every six months that Panos shuts down for cleaning. It was really nice of Panos though, to let us leave a sign up that we'd be over at Barbatos accross the street. And thanks to Jen for thinking of such signage! Here she is all happy she'll be in the paper. Kara and Erika from The Erie Times News in the background.
Here is the reason Rachel is now known as the Pizza Nazi.
We kind of just made a long L shaped table area for our Erie Blogger meetup. Honestly, we might have been a tad rude in just taking over the place like that, but they seemed alright with it. Many apologies if that's how we came off because I think we actually are a few of the nicest people in Erie.

Hey look! It's the Media King. I never got to meet you formally Jack, but you seemed really interesting. And I like your scarf.

We really do have a great group.

It started out a crazy evening but after we were all situated, I think we gave a really nice interview to the Erie Times News. Thank you Kara and Erika for taking the time to get to know a bunch of bloggers. I believe the interview will run around the 24th of February. Thanks to everyone for coming out! A special thanks to ron for light hearted conversation and schooling me on custody battles and places for Matt and I to make out in Harborcreek.


Stephanie said...

Why do so many of you look pissed off? ;) Weather? Relocation? Me not there? Well, I know that's why ron is upset but otherwise...

ron said...

it's true, eden, that i was upset since you weren't there (still need to hash out that world domination plan)... but here's what really went down in the two photos that contain me:

photo #2: rachel smells of iro-queer... i had to get away

photo #1: i actually had just finished peeing my pants and was exhaling out of total relief.

"pan-batos" - awesome name!

Rachel said...

How in the hell did I get the name Pizza Nazi? Just because I hoard pizza and give dirty looks doesn't mean I'm Pizza Nazi. Pfff!

And Ron, you could have switched seats with Scott if you couldn't handle my "Iro-queer" aura. Can be a tad bit intimidating to the lowly Harbor-geeks, after all... ;)

Anonymous said...

Panos only cleans once every six months? Is that healthy?

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.