Thursday, November 02, 2006

Back Away From The Candy Corn

My tummy hurts.

Does anyone else feel like they've put back all the weight they took off this past summer in a matter of days? Ugh. I can't remember the last time I had a salad but my freezer is bursting with frozen 3 Musketeers Bars.

Speaking of bursting, I actually had to hurry and watch the oldest episodes of Scrubs (Comedy Central airs this twice a day) on my DVR before they were erased. This is either A) because I tape too many damn shows or B) because I've been running around doing meaningless shit instead of sitting on my ass watching tv and eating candy corn all day . What show is clouding up your DVR? Which show is never in your DVR very long? I almost always watch Heroes and How I Met Your Mother the day after they air. LOST I almost always watch live because it's the only show Matt and I sort of enjoy together (besides The Sapranos).

And I was just thinking yesterday. I miss Big Brother and American Idol.

Oh yea, here's Britain on Halloween:


Jillian said...

we is poor so we don't got no VDR. we wait for those rerunin's

Kristen said...

Right now my dvr is clogged up with Heroes as we don't want to erase them. I'm also almost always behind on the Sunday eve shows and still haven't watched the new ones yet. Must watch the night the they are on (even if it means staying up until 12:00) include but are not limited to:

Grey's Anatomy
The Nine
How I Met Your Mother
Gilmore Girls
The Office/My Name Is Earl
Battlestar Galactica
Men In Trees

Rachel said...

Awww. She's such a cutie. She looks more and more like you over time, Tam. You should have swung by our house to trick or treat. We only got about 20 kids... ;)


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Anonymous said...

There you go, you're all caught up. :)

MrsTito said...

Halloween is sooooooo over

Tam said...

Thanks! No, I haven't stalked her today or any day. Ok maybe once. Although they DO say it's always someone you know.

Christie said...

Everytime I see a picture of Britain, I hope that my baby is that cute!!!

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.