Friday, June 23, 2006

Shallow As It Seems

Attractive: wit, great eyes, huge sexual appetite, a skeleton in a closet, knows a lot of 80's music, is nice to the wait staff, gets my jokes, can teach me a thing or two.
Unattractive: a beer belly, a wife beater (the one that used to be white but is now a barbecue sauce enhanced pink with an armpit stained brown piping), judgmental, cocky, tells you what kind of car they drive before how many siblings they have, overemotional.

Good Movie: something I'd buy and watch over and over, something I'd recommend, something I'd see full price with NO ONE on opening night in a packed theater. (Example: Go)
Bad Movie: Not even if they were showing it for free on a rainy afternoon and I didn't have an umbrella while my skin was more like a sponge and just collected every last drop of water and all the buildings/shelters were demolished. Example: Crossroads

On A Good Day: I'm cracking (good) jokes left and right making everyone laugh around me, I find a twenty in my pants, I meet my brother Ralphie whom I've never met, I get lost in the woods for an hour with nothing but my converse and my MP3 player and come out at a crossing with a giant waterfall, I get a letter from an old, dear friend, I'm hugged and kissed more than I hug and kiss, my pap test comes back free and clear, Canada decides to grant me citizenship, we win an all inclusive honeymoon, I'm awake early and out all night, my parents call just to say hi, Kohls is running a huge sale and I write poetry or an excerpt that is actually published.
On A Not So Good Day: I lose my engagement ring, I forget Britain in the car, I learn someone hates me just because of the way I am, they stop making 3 Musketeers Bars and Berry Blossom Teen Spirit, I get fired because I really fuck up, Matt decides he's better off without me, my friends don't see it my way and lose my phone number, the power is out and I'm all alone at 10 pm, I lose my hearing except for the country music song that plays over and over in my head, and my house catches fire when I'm on the second floor, asleep with no way out.

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A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.