Thursday, March 09, 2006

You Can Really Taste The Tam

Alright, so I'm cheating and stealing someone else's post (thanks Rachel!). She found this fun "sloganizer" that YOU too can try at home.

Here's Matt's:



Kristen said...

I find this pic of Matt in no way threatening. In fact I see more in the fact that his eyebrows appear several shades darker than his hair - does he color?

Stephanie said...

I got "Come see the softer side of Eden." Shee-yeah!

I liked "Why can't everything orange be Eden?" That was much better.

monsieur le coq said...

i got "now full of eastern herpes" and "who would you have a herpes with?" which are funny, to be sure. but, alas, i was hoping for the understated elegance of a "got herpes?" or "herpes. it's what's for dinner."

Kristen said...

I got, "Don't be an Amber Kristen." I'm not really sure what the hell that means.

Jillian said...

"To orangey for Jill" hmm Maybe I missed that slogan, maybe it means......never mind

Jillian said...

"Its finger time" SO much better!hehehe

Michelle said...

"Does you does, or does you don't take Michelle"
I think I'll keep this slogan since I just took the wedding date predictor test and it said that on August 30, 2008, I will be getting married. I think this slogan will be good for the invitations. My mother, however, asked if anyone would be joining me. Well, let's let it be a surprise. Keep that date open, people, at least it'll be a party.

Rachel said...

No problem, girl. ;)

I just thought I'd try it out when I saw the bulletin posted. I didn't care for mine, but I had Jon try it out later on, and his was, "Unzip a Heibel," which I thought was perfect.

Love Matt's. LoL. Did you do one of your own? I'm sort of curious as to what it was. :)


Tam said...

Its the title, silly girl.

You Can Really Taste The Tam

Or did you mean a "Matt" one for me?

Unzip a Heibel could be both of your's in a few months.

Rachel said...

Oh, wow, I'm really slow...

...that's what I meant. That one works really well for you. Haha.

Oh, the unzipping will commence in just 6 weeks... ;)


A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.