Friday, March 10, 2006

A Child's Treasury Of Songs

Britain has moved onto food, not food that I'd actually eat but jarred contents that can be classified as food that isn't formula. Actually she's up to Stage 2 of 3 (because stage 2 was on sale and Stage 1 wasn't anymore). But she's having a little trouble with some foods. So I sing to her to get through the spoonfuls. She has quite an aversion to green beans and BANANAS, no less (which I could NEVER get enough. One other problem food was butternut squash in the beginning. But all it took was one tiny song, and now she loves it. Sometimes I wonder why I was able to ever get pregnant, other than to keep a good child psychologist in business one day.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash, butternut squash
Its so good for you
Although I know, butternut squash
Kinda tastes like poo

So many good things about butternut squash
The color, not the taste
I wouldn't argue, makes butternut squash
Look like human waste

By Tam

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Carmen needs a whole song dedicated to veggies since she won't eat anything that isn't white or meat.'re daughter better get on the squash train! Maybe it is because Auntie Kristen (and my god do I hate that name. You won't ever call me that, right? I can be just Kristen.)didn't make the squash for her.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.