I was super excited to see my invites from Kristen, and her dogs. I left around 6am Saturday morning but had taken a sleeping pill the night before. My hangover from it was horrible and the half fat capp wasn't helping. So, I think that was the reason I didn't cry when I saw my wedding invitations. They are awesome! I am so ready to start stuffing some envelopes. THANKS KRISTEN!
And let me also thank Kristen and Ray for always putting me up every time I come in with no questions asked. There's always fresh towels, bedding, a scrubbed bathtub and a puffy air mattress waiting for me when I'm ready to sleep or shower. On top of that, they always buy dinner, snacks, lunch, breakfast and sugarless gum whenever I even THINK I might need some oral fixation. I, being the classy dame I am, tried to pay them back a little and picked up the tab on a 22 dollar bill for breakfast. Yes, my friends. That was for all three of us. I know.
Breakfast was also where this guy busing tables had come over to me with this sucker. Granted, I was not wearing this outfit.
MAN: "Here ya go. We give this to all the kids. 16? How close was I?"
TAM: "Um, I'm 29 sir. But I'll keep the sucker." Oral fixation.
I felt a bit honored that everyone wanted to go out just because I was in town. Alright, I think the fact that there would be booze and/or boys at the bar had something to do with it, but let me have this moment. We decided the gay bars were out. All techno all the time isn't really my thing. It was alright when I was younger, but I tend to dance and not stop dancing unless there is a shitty song or some kind of break. With techno, I dance myself exhausted in 2 hours. And we told everyone, except Kat, to meet us at Kristen's where we'd carpool. Kathleen and Anne couldn't be bothered.
Meet the cast:
The last time I had seen Christie, she was oh so pregnant. (She was the pregnant I always wanted to be with the awesome cans and belly. Instead of thinking I was pregnant, people thought it was Miller Time a lot of the time for me.) She was talking about the new baby and even brought pictures. (Um, Brit. You better step up your game cause this kid was posing at birth.) I don't know how telling it was that she forgot the pictures there when we all left, but who's judging? Just don't forget to take your daughter out of the cart at Wal Mart and you'll be fine. It was nice to be around a new mom. They have this internal glow like their kid has given them a world they never even knew existed. It's like being in early love, but better. Instead of unearthing the issues your mate has, you get to instill issues in your kid that dozens of therapy sessions later, they're still extremely apparent. Ahh, parenthood. Christie wasn't too sure on the leopard print top, but c'mon! Who's looking at the leopard print with tits like that?
Gina showed up ready and excited to go. Here she is after she saw my invites. I know, they are that good. You might have beaten me to the alter, Ventre but I obviously got you back. By the way, I saw Gina and Michael's invites and they were pretty damn hot too. Kristen, I'm assuming, created the design. The only regret of the night is that I think Gina and I exchanged three words. When I hugged her goodbye at the end of the evening, she probably thought I was drunk because I said I loved her. There was even that humorous pause like "that was said too soon in the relationship". I say this to people I adore. There aren't too many people I aspire to be. She has so many qualities I wish I either had or was working harder to perfect. Micheal hopefully realizes how lucky he is.
Finally, the food came and I sacrificed my chicken sandwich and fries to be served up as appetizers. Ray told me since he bought it, he got to decide what to do with it. My 1/16 of a piece was really good. Hilary is eating her leftover lunch because she felt so bad for me. I filled up on sweet potato fries that Kristen threw into the mix. Damn, those were good...for organic.
Although I don't have a picture of Kat, she was probably the key ingredient to our successful night. She started out all by herself, scoping out the bar we ended up at and had that best time at. She had some of the best lines of the night. And she trusted me to drive her car and all of us to Ihop where I ate pancakes which saved me from starvation.
The strangest thing was everyone was still celebrating my birthday. People I didn't know came up and told me happy birthday, including a really old version of Christina Aguilera, the genie years. She then proceeded to give me spankings. Although I enjoy a good swat, I was both frightened and perplexed by the encounter. I felt like I should have tipped her.We had one of the best ladies nights out. I can't really describe without pictures so hopefully that is where Kristen will come in, since we took her camera. I did things I always do like danced on the top platform and threw ice at guys I wanted to leave. But I also did things I'm just starting to do, like watched my drink intake and left before security kicked me out. Some of our ladies made out with guys, poles, a beer bottle and a necklace. We danced in a basement most of the evening. We saw a band for three minutes, except for Alli and because of Alli. Some of us got free drinks. Some of us were out 42 dollars for just one round, double the cost of a breakfast for three. (I didn't buy, Fool. It WAS my birthday, after all.) Most of us wore comfortable shoes and I don't think any of us threw up. But one thing's for sure (enter slow, dramatic, sitcom music here), we all are closer because of it.
Glad to hear you had fun, and you didn't go overboard on the alcohol. ;)
You have the longest birthday of anyone I know. Mine lasts about 2 minutes; if that...
I wish I could have come! It was Jason's birthday & we were in Sandusky for the weekend. You show up & I leave town!
I hope you had a great time, it sure looks like you did! Happy birthday!
Carmen, Kristen thought you were either working or ignoring her when she called you on your cell. I'm sorry you couldn't make it out, but it seems like you had fun as well. That place you ate at was on a show on Discovery. True and Amazing places...or vacation homes or something. It used to be a home, right? I don't know, but I remember it was on there.
Looks like it was a great time.
And yes, I know I am lucky.
Hey, don't forget. I DID have a pickle card I could have served up w/ your blackened chicken and fries...but, that's going to be your b-day card next year.
Suprise :O)
I had a great time, and it was good to see you. Next time, I promise to wear another $2 necklace and to not take that last shot of the night so I can comprehend the fact that going upstairs doesn't necessarily mean leaving for the night. ;o)
I loved when I tried to ttell Christie that she ahd to stop talking about her baby at some point and like a proud mother lion she pounced on me which was totally right.
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