Thursday, April 19, 2007


I can't say I've stuck to this one but I'm working at it. My third vice, one that's bothered me recently, is swearing, even in writing. I'm trying to give it up completely and for a gal that swears this much, it's pretty flipping impossible. Yes, I've slipped up. Last night, I was getting into bed and dropped the baby monitor. "F*&k!" But Junior year I gave up swearing almost the entire year, so why not at this point in my life when I have even more discipline? Even the words that don't really constitute swearing in my book like J#sus Chr!st or D*mnit have been out of my vocabulary (usually). It's actually helped my anger. And with Britain repeating everything I say these days, I thought it would be a good idea. But my swearing vice, one of the hardest, is still a work in progress. And this probably won't be one of the ones I stick with after the 30 days.

But, I feel like I have to add this little disclaimer. Because I choose to do (or not to do) something has no bearing on whether you are doing (or not doing) something. I could care less if you want to trash your kitchen or enable your coke head brother. That is out of my hands. And I certainly don't want a fight on here about why swearing is fine and children hear it anyway and so forth. I personally would prefer you not swear around my child, but am I going to get angry if you do? Um, probably not since it's your choice really and I can't shield her from everything, nor would I want to. But I can try and create a different environment and pattern from when I was growing up. I promise not to go as far as putting curtains on her for clothes and sing on mountains.


Kristen said...

I've been trying to cut down so I don't accidentally swear at work but it is hard. My current favorite faux swear words include:

1. Jeezy Chreezy
2. Fudgearino
3. Ray!

Tam said...

I just pretend I'm around my grandma all the time.

MrsTito said...

My grandma taught me how to swear, so that won't work for me, but I'm trying to tone it down a little too since Emily can properly place damn in the conversation i.e. Daddy, pick up your damn shoes, Daddy, get off the damn phone, Annie, go lay by the damn door and get off the good rug, etc. And, she effectively says Shit! when she drops a toy or something spills. You know, the more that I think about it, I'm kind of proud.

Ron said...

If I stopped swearing, I wouldn't have anything to say to the cats when they do something stupid.

My favorites include:

"You dumbass cat!"

"Get the fuck off the table!"

"What the hell are you playing with?"

"Give me that goddamn thing! I should send you back to the orphanage!"

I'd probably never talk to my own kids this way, but you can't put cats in time out (unless you throw them in the clothes hamper, but then they'd probably pee in it), and if you throw them off the counter or smack them, they do it OVER AND OVER AGAIN because they apparently enjoy abuse.

Rachel said...

Ron, your cats are sadomasochists then.

I need to work on my swearing, as well. I never really did it until after high school. Go figure, right? Maybe you'll be my inspiration to stop. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

I swear the most when I'm driving. (Albeit, I don't have a two year old in my car.) The way I see it, it's better to scream expletives in my car than to get out and punch the dumbass in the head...
I would definitely fail this challenge.

iPeat said...

I am always having to catch myself around my nieces

Tam said...

I am laughing reading all of these comments. What awesome readers I have!

Rachel said...

What awesome posts you have to produce such wonderful comments. LoL.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.