Well, at my gyno visit this morning, it took longer to check out than the actual appointment. It was a three second peek at my hoo hoo and all was/is well. No baby. No problems with the IUD, and my "strangeness" is just because I am half male, with male hormones running through me. (Guys don't have a monthly and neither do I...AKA Mirena worked a little faster on me than most women in that department.) SO! I was worried for nothing. And I totally can go to prom now!
So it looks like you won't be getting that black market baby afterall, Carmen. I'll be pregnancy free for at least 5 years! Just another reason for Britain to hate me. "You never gave me a brother or sister." Maybe I'll just blame Matt.
can we still cut a hole in the front of your dress out and decorate it with sequins?
As long as it covers my stretch marks. You know, they are not as silvery as everyone told me they'd be...more like "were you attacked by a large badger?".
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