Thursday, October 19, 2006

3000 Miles To Portland

It's not everyday you post a video of you and your ex, but today is the day. Before I met Matt, I had a brief internet love: Paul. He and I met on Sims Online. Oh, the loneliness I felt after my D-I-V, you know. And he filled a lot of voids (NO, not that one.) He was really sarcastic...really intelligent and I traveled 3000 miles four times in one year just to hang out with him in Portland, OR. There aren't many people who can stand up to my wit, but he got me everytime. I could barely keep a straight face around him. Half of our cell phone minutes were spent on me trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard. Sometimes I wish we were still friends but you know how that goes when you once had stronger feelings towards each other. Things were pretty great but he lost interest (like the others).

It was funny how it all went down actually because if I had met Matt sooner than I did, I doubt I'd be ready for such a healthy, positive relationship.

Two things that really stick out in my mind: His mother asking me when I was going to get a real job and the really great times we had just hanging out together. Here is one of those times on video. I had told him about how Kristen, Ray and a bunch of other people including myself went to this really, REALLY bad strip club in the middle of Nowhere, OH. This chick came up and danced for me while I was sitting at pervert's row. A little while later, one of the three other men in there besides us came up and asked "Hey, did you like when that girl danced for you?" I just gave him my famous Tam look (the one where I scream at you you're-such-a-moron-leave-me-alone-without-even-a-word look). I was just like "uh, yea." He was all, "cool". And that was it. He went to jerk off in the bathroom. So we re-enacted it here. Warning: Volume is really low.


Kristen said...

I only met Paul the once but I can sum up my feelings on him in two thoughts:

1. Looks like Pat in a creepy way.
2. Had no personality.

Now of course I didn't really know him all that well, only meeting him the once and all, but frankly, I was not all that upset when things didn't work out. But I'm sorry if you were.

I do not remember said night at the club unless - was it the night I taught everyone how to cop a feel while placing a dollar in someone's g-string?

Kristen said...

Ummm...excuse me it's the Rare Cherry and yes we did.

Stephanie said...

You played Sims Online? I played the test beta version for free. Hated it. Does it still exist?

Tam said...

Not even sure...It was at least 4 years ago. I thought it was fun, but he had a lot to do with that. Although, I also enjoy The Sims on PC as well.

Mr. Bebout said...

The Rare Charry is not so bad, at least it is cheap?

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.