Tuesday, March 21, 2006

That Day Everyone's Irish

Here are my pictures from St. Patrick's Day with Matt, my sister, Theresa, my cousin Steve and his girlfriend Amy (who blinked in every damn picture no matter what I tried).

I felt like a real club hopper when I had to wait outside for a WHOLE FIFTEEN MINUTES because the fire marshall said we couldn't get in until others got out at Sherlock's.

We heard the bands Moneyshot.......

........and New Wave Nation.

It was a great time. And we stole these glasses from some drunkards who left them.





Future groomsman, Jeremy

Future groomsman, John

Jeremy and his girlfriend, Christie


Ron said...

I'd say that's one of the scarier pictures of Matt.

Rachel said...

Oh, Ron, you only want to diss Matt because you can't carry a beard and mustache; not even if we put it in a bucket for ya... ;)


Ron said...

Hah! Ever seen me after 3-4 days of not shaving? It's pretty scary.

Kristen said...

Matt looks like he eats souls in that photo - good god!

And JR's facial hair is almost the shade of his skin so he would just look all furry and weird. But surely he can pull off a beard with his Ames genes. I mean Tam may be sparse in the eyebrow department but she's always had a lovely mustache.

Tam said...

True dat

Rachel said...

Jon told me you look creepy if you don't shave, so maybe I don't care to see that...no, no...


A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.