Tuesday, February 17, 2009

She Even Does It In The Shower

I decided to try out for this year's Erie Idol a few weeks ago not only because I've always wanted to do it, but because they finally have an appropriate scoring system. In previous years, you were basically in if you brought enough people to vote for you. This year for the first time in the history of Erie Idol (so, since about 1930), they now have judges that rate you on four different things: your vocals, the audience participation, the difficulty of the song you choose to perform and the firmness of your ass...err your appearance. Also unlike in previous years where singers got to try out at 30 different venues before the final round, contestants this year only had 4 shots at it.

My try out was at Auto Express...which totally made sense to have an audition there because they are one of the top selling snowmobile and four wheeler shops in the area. WHAT? Why did they choose Auto Express? But it made for a good picture with me on a Ski Doo, so I wasn't complaining. I had a wicked cold when I tried out. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life, besides when my water broke all over my living room carpet. This time, my delivery was With Or Without You by U2 and damnit I did alright! Plus it hurt a lot less than having a kid. There were some really great vocals that night among all the high end ATVs. I became even more nervous after hearing some of the performances until I realized the group was rather small. The top 20 contestants trying out were to move on to the next round, so I was elated when I realized only 16 people signed up. I was totally in...or so I thought. They announced they'd still be eliminating 5 people. They called 7 people back up, 8 people...I was thinking how relieved I was that I hadn't told many people I was trying out so I didn't feel like to0 much of an unfirmed ass when I wasn't called.

Then they called my number! I'm so in!

If you care to cheer me on this Friday February 20, I'll be at Buffalo Wild Wings around 8:30 pm. If you're interested, you better come see me THIS round because there ARE some really great talents in my group and who knows how long I'll last. I'm taking it one round at a time (I heard they do something similar in AA, but I don't get any coins out of this...just a yellow ticket) and I'm just happy to say I made it. While still being modest, I'm damn proud I did a great job and that I didn't psych myself out. Feel free to make signs like "I'm With The Tam", "Pick Tam Or I'll Gut You" or "She Even Does It In The Shower".

Stalkers are welcome but please no freaky gifts. I'll be nervous enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your next round. One of your anonymous stalkers.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.