Friday, February 06, 2009


Did I make the wrong decision?

If I eat carrot cake, does it count as a vegetable? And if it does, can I have 3 to 5 servings?

Can I call you Kettle or Black?

Did I get this cold from wiping butts or Britain coughing directly in my face?

Why does Kara from American Idol always wear such god-awful tops?

I've seen you on video dancing and acting goofy but when I'm around why do you seem to be on eggshells?

Is my nose running or bleeding?

When you check out in the 8 items or less aisle, you're usually in a hurry so why do you insist on striking up a conversation with me when I'm trying to figure out if I need cash back and how many cents off a gallon I have?

Is it horribly wrong that I don't care whether you come out of this on top?

When was the last time I had 8 hours sleep?

If I moved south, wouldn't there still be weather issues, but more along the lines of flooding and ice?

If I have a garage sale this summer that includes all of Britain's old clothes and toys, does that definitely seal the deal that I am in fact done having children?

Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?

Are you just ignoring me or do you really have that busy of a schedule?

When is my bad karma gonna turn around?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

All I know is the people I have felt the strongest hate for, are the people I have loved the most.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.