Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ain't No Party Like A Waterford Party

These are my gals from Seneca High School (although a few ladies are missing). We occasionally go out to our old stomping grounds and tear up the town, er Borough. This was the day after Halloween so the bar was even more empty than usual. Either way, we didn't care. We did what we wanted and visited every Waterford bar, all 3 of them.
Shelly is naughty. Watch out for this one. Mary just had a baby and breastfeeding def is best!Mary, Shelly, Jillain: "DUDE why are you on the disgusting floor?"
Tam: "Because I'll do anything for a good pic!"Smoke em if you got em Yes, that WAS inside the bar! I KNOW!
I went there. I was all over it.Greatest thing about these girls is that I barely caught a buzz that night (since I had to drive back to E-town) and I always have the best time! It's so nice we pick up right we leave off. Love them!

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A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.