Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December Erie Blogger Meetup

The misfits are meeting tonight at 7PM at Romolo's: 1525 W 8th St, Erie PA, or you know, 8th and Bayfront. They have really good chai there...and isn't as pretentious as Starbuck's. So, join us. We need new faces! Most of the boys talk about computer stuff and RPG's while most of the chicks talk about recipes and reality tv. So don't be too scared off if you don't know a thing about HTML. I can barely blog this in a different color.

Also, tonight's theme is charity. So, you can bring a non perishable item for the Food Bank if you like, or look like an asshole. Your choice.

I'm thinking about heading over to Greengarden Tavern afterwards for some atery clogging. Join me there after if you're too cool for the Blogger Meetup.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Jon and I aren't going to make it tonight. Neither of us are feeling too hot.

Just thought I'd let you know...in case you worried, but maybe you couldn't have cared less. We'll see. ;)

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.