Another reason why I should be Mother Of The Year: Britain has another ear infection and I took her in yesterday so I could get it taken care of before I desert my family this weekend to hang out with Kristen for her 30th. Seriously, it's no contest. Oh, and I refused to put a heavy jacket on her yesterday when my car read the outside air as 72!
Mommy Dearest? Yikes!
I'm concerned for you, you-you-you bad mother!
Ok, I couldn't come up with anything else. I admit my creativity is at a low this morning. It's only because I'm dreading work tonight.
But be nice to Brit...she's too cute. ;)
Oh, P.S.: I'm enjoying the picture. That made my day.
That picture reminds me of Mom. Go cut a stick? Fuck that, just grab the nearest coathanger!
Ah yes, living in Florida now, when it dips below 80 outside, I am considered a bad mother for not sending my child with a sweater to daycare. It's 80 degrees out people - it's not winter!
how can getting hit by a coat hanger possibly hurt?
Trust me Jill, mom could turn any household item into a spanking tool, and make it work. She was like the MacGuyver of beatings.
The funniest thing was Britain was in the background singing. Audio would have been good.
Although she has turned into a less rageful woman, Mom was NOT a force to be reckoned with.
If you were ever hit with a hanger, frying pan, spatula, clothes basket, etc then you wouldn't have to ask.
Although, you WERE kicked by a horse in the boob. HA I took your punchline!
Don't forget hairbrush, wooden spoon and belt.
Oh, and we regularly had bars of Dove soap in our mouths.
soap-yes, wooden spoon-yes, belt-not as much, hairbrush- I still have the welt!
Great pic Tam- It makes me laugh!
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