Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I am exhausted! Matt, his mom, Brit and I all got back this morning at 6:30 am from Boston. We drove Thursday night all night to attend his cousin's wedding (it was beautiful, she was beautiful, the cosmopolitans were beautiful) and drove AGAIN through the night back home. Although it's pretty much just a straight shot, staying on I-90, it's a long and boring drive when all of your road trippers are snoring in unison. I stopped at a rest area one time just for some conversation. I learned how to bathe with hand soap.

My 10 Year Reunion post will be up sometime this week. Right now I have to unpack both the bags on my bed and the ones under my eyes.


Jillian said...

blah, blah, whine, whine, bitch, bitch

Kristen said...

Wow. What a kind and supportive friend Jill is!

Jillian said...

Sorry Kristen, I don't have that much "sensitivity" for people. My empathy level for Tam driving 987 miles with her inlaws and child for a wedding triggers the "ha ha sucker!"

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.