Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Letter To Britain

There are so many things I want to tell you. Sometimes I see right into the future and can picture you and I having a fierce conversation about guys, how most of them are not worth even sharing your gum with, let alone your body. And with all the cancer, heart disease and tooth decay in our family, an apple a day really DOES keep the doctor away. Try everything once, but don't keep drinking coffee. You'll never stop. While we're on the subject, stay away from cigarettes. Everyone I know who smokes either wishes they could quit or wishes they hadn't started in the first place. If you drink alcohol, make sure it's socially and not to destroy yourself. Also, it's true what they say: who your friends are say a lot about who YOU are. Stay in touch with the ones you make in high school. And one best friend is so much better than a bunch of acquaintances. Make mud pies but pick up all your toys. Although you won't use it all, no matter what they try and tell you, pay attention in class. Homework isn't just the evil doing of a sadistic teacher. But IQ tests and SAT scores aren't what measure how truly talented you are. If you fuck up, apologize. Don't stay bitter or your heart will turn black. Read a book from start to finish and always have one with you. TV really DOES rot your brain; get your ass outside. Take lots of pictures. Not only sing in the shower, but dance in the suds. Forgive Dad and I for our mistakes. In turn, we promise to forgive you and let you make them. If you have something to say, speak up but realize there ARE stupid questions. White lies are ok but be truthful in everything else. Keep a journal and hide it where no one will find it. Otherwise, you'll never write down how you REALLY feel. Break a law. And no matter what Dad tells you, sex can be the most beautiful thing you will ever experience. Enjoy it. Explore it. And don't be afraid to tell him/her what you want. Travel, whether it be a road trip or a planned vacation, itinerary included. Don't BE unique; you already are. The most important person in your life is never more important than you. And if you ever find someone that treats you the way your father treats me, keep close contact. Leave your mark. Watch a sunrise. Make sure you have a goal leading you to happiness, not necessarily to success. You'll only ever really know yourself...Let someone in on some secrets too. Play a sport and a musical instrument. Read the paper for more than the comics. TP someone's house. Know that your first love probably won't be your last love, but will be the one you'll remember most vividly. Save your yearbooks. A carrot's so much better than a candy bar. Crying to get your way is for weak females with no imagination. Let me hug you, even if you don't always hug back. And last but not least, fitting in means you'll never stand out. Normal is boring.


Michelle said...

I'm crying and laughing at the same time. How did my little girl get so wise? Oh ya...look at our parents! (Giggle) Somebody better come and get you, 'cus you're special.

Michelle said...

And Britain, sheep are wonderful creatures.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.