Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hey! I've Raised Enough Of Them!

So Matt and I might stop at one. Its not that its excruciatingly difficult raising Britain. Its not even that we wouldn't want her growing up with another brother or sister. We just feel like 3 (1, plus us) is a great number. On top of that, I'm a little tired of diapers and tantrums and washing nipples that aren't mine. I think I'd be much happier if I knew "this is the last time I'll ever have to do this". I have ENOUGH stretch marks. And I know I'll be punished in my labor next time around for having such an easy labor the first time. Not to mention (although I AM mentioning...I never understood that phrase) there is schooling and clothing and therapy sessions and bookbags and singing lessons and peanut butter (ok, that's for me). That shit costs money...that I don't have as it is. So yes, we are seriously thinking of stopping while we're ahead.

And 3 is a great number! Its worked for us. Here's a little background: (Warning: This could get a little sappy). Matt and I both are each others third. We met in 2003. There were just 3 dates before I fell in love with him. Our house was the third house we put a bid on when we were house hunting. Its a little strange when it keeps popping up, so why ruin a great thing? My luck: I type this and three months from now, I'll find out I'm pregnant. Then one of us will have to die.

This has nothing to do with my post. I just wanted to say Happy 10th Anniversary to Kristen and Ray. He's her Puppy Daddy. As you can tell, they were made for each other. Or at least, they haven't found anyone else worth leaving the other for.


Tam said...

That is just too funny to erase

Kristen said...

Brian! Are you trying to get me fired?

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.