Saturday, February 23, 2008


LOVE HIM LOVE HIM LOVE HIM The most underrated idol contestant. All girls must leave besides Syesha and Danny (because I just like to watch what he does next, but please stop wearing such tight pants). Carly deserves her moment. We all know the plus sized model, Joanne, was robbed. Michael may take the whole thing. And David C. needs to get the hell out. Is it possible to hate and love American Idol and Big Brother all in one season? Why, yes. Yes it is.


Stephanie said...

Since dude plays a guitar, I'll give him a chance (I missed him this week as I had to be in the kitchen preparing food for wee children). But I'm a Michael gal.

David C not nearly as bad as Danny. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

I think the girls are way better than the guys. And although this boy has pretty eyes, his hair is too much for me to take. I am sorry, but I can't get past the hair. It's disgusting, creepy & gross. He's a dirty hippy, and I have apparently become my father now.

A nanny since 1996, I'm tired of washing nipples that aren't mine.